On October 26, 2023, Sharon Gill of Total Health interviewed us on our journey navigating cancer as transgender people. Total Health is a medical information company made up of innovators who produce tailored content and conferences for people who are treating or living with cancer.

Yee Won Chong

Healings is a project about illness, health care, and recovering from life's various maladies. Thank you Garret Kamps for interviewing us and writing this piece.

Yee Won Chong

We are honored to receive this recognition with 24 other outstanding Champions of Health Equity, including POTUS! 

Yee Won Chong

Cancer and the LGBTQ+ community: From structural barriers and binary patient forms to gendered diseases, ‘queer cancer’ can be fraught with bias and bad assumptions. We had a chance to share our thoughts in this article by the Fred Hutch News Service.

Yee Won Chong

In this podcast, Norma Steiner, MD, a gynecologic oncologist, has a conversation with Yee Won Chong about the multiple levels of care that transgender patients are navigating and how to improve healthcare for patients of all genders.

Yee Won Chong

What does it mean to lead a feminist life? Feminist Hotdog is a podcast for anyone who wants to answer this question for themselves. Adrienne, creator and host of this podcast interviewed us in early 2020.

Yee Won Chong